Clear Bra film

Clear Bra Paint Protection Film Care

Bravo Protection Products Clear Bra film is a durable film that will resist staining and maintain a high gloss level for years. To keep the film looking its best, wash your car often and follow these other suggestions:
  • Wait 48-72 hours after the Clear Bra installation to wash your car, then wash regularly
  • Remove insect or other stains with soap and water
  • Remove stubborn stains with isopropyl alcohol 70%
  • Watch light scratches self heal in 20-30 min in direct sun light
  • Avoid pressure washing near exposed edges of the Clear Bra


It is natural for urethanes to discolor to some degree over time depending on how well the film is maintained. However, with the newer Clear Bra technology films, it would be to a degree that is not noticeable unless under fluorescent lighting.

Yes, we certainly do. Our world class facility includes a lobby with free wifi (do bring your laptop) & television.

No, we do not. We have a software program with up to date makes / models ready to laser cut onto the film within minutes.

The Clear Bra film is meant to be maintained by washing and waxing on a regular basis.

Yes and no. It depends on the installing company’s standards. Yes, it is easier to install due to its elasticity, but that does not necessarily mean the quality of install will be ideal. In actuality, the film is more difficult to work with to bring out a truly invisible installation. Due to the film’s clarity, it does not hide any type of installation flaw that would normally be hidden by film with excessive orange peel texture.

We truly believe that you get what you pay for. Our company does not price-match nor are we affected by companies that charge less. We focus on providing the highest degree of installation excellence; thus, our pricing structure reflects this. Newer companies into the industry rely on lower pricing to attract price sensitive customers because they cannot compete on the quality side.

With precut kits, installations are typically completed in 1-2 hours. At the custom level, it would depend on exact coverage to determine the amount of time.

Yes, on most vehicles we can cover the full hood and entire vehicles if you wish to do so.

As long as the uncovered portions of the paint were regularly washed and waxed, then there would be no indications that film was ever installed if it were to be removed.

This is the benefit of Clear Bra installations. It is not a permanent application; however, does require professional removal. There are spray on permanent applications, which if not applied properly, then all of it including the clearcoat of the paint would need to be sanded off to start over.

We warranty our Clear Bra products to be free of product defect from bubbling, fading, and cracking. We also provide out clients with a (10 Year warranty) on installations.

Recommended cure time would be 30 days. Most important aspect of repaint is the painters’ standards. 95% of paint work that we see are far from acceptable, which means there is a likelihood of the paint to be pulled up if the film needs to be removed for any reason. This is the reason we stress painters’ quality.

We would greatly appreciate it if your vehicle is not covered in excessive dirt/debris. Otherwise, we would do the proper prep work to apply the clear bra.

Most Clear Bra installers do not inform their customers about the “wax lines”. It is important for the vehicle’s owner to understand that wax will leave a white line on the seam. We would recommend not waxing over the seams and wax the film and uncovered portions separately to keep from wax buildup. If you accidentally wax over the seam, just use a wet towel and rub it off. Another caution is to avoid buffering over the seams, which creates a noticeable wax line as well.


Are you ready to give your home or office the new facelift it deserves? With an easily accessible location in Minneapolis MN, our professional and well trained staff can make your vision a reality. All we need is a little more information about your project, including the design specifications, size, location, and budget. Schedule a consultation with us to get started!

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